The Debut Album
Purgatory Road
…asking for a friend
oil and water
magnetic (closer, closer)
I don’t feel good
Pity Party
Blu Skies feat. SKY BLAZE STAR
van gogh
Track List
A Roadmap
to the Songs
learning to laugh at myself again and not take everything so seriously
fostering the relationships that matter most and finding joy
setting boundaries and standing strong in them
The Road
The Road started on the worst night of my life over four years ago when I was in a serious accident. It was a night I wasn’t sure I would survive, and sometimes I look back and wonder how I did.
The Road took me on a long recovery. Relearning to use my legs and training them to be stronger. I was incredibly blessed to have family supporting me every step.
The Road took me back to school, where I learned to refine my songs, which comforted me, helped my cognitive recovery, and gave me a healthy way to express my many emotions.
The Road took me to Studio 601, where I was shaking, anxious, and terrified. I couldn’t believe that anyone would want to hear what I wrote, much less listen to me. But with their support, I grew into the artist I am today.
The Road took me through dozens of songs, several semesters, lots of sessions (writing and recording), and finally, all the way to graduation.
The Road allowed me to meet so many incredible creatives, some of whom I was privileged to work with on various video and photography projects. They expanded my creative vision and helped me realize what was possible.
The Road took me through the worst grief of my life, losing my dearest friend and the one being who was with me every step of my recovery process. For her, my larger project will forever be named.
The Road took me to Glassnote Studio, where I found a group of incredible, supportive women who I respect and admire and will love for the rest of my life. I got to write with incredible producers and finish up this crazy project.
The Road finally took me to LA, where I’m finding friends that feel like family, had my debut performance, and growing as a person and a writer every single day.
Purgatory Road was a long one. Four and a half years long. But this journey has made me so grateful. So, so incredibly grateful.
Can’t wait to see what’s around the next corner…
This project would not exist without some very special people to whom I am very grateful
Producers, Writers & Musicians
Mike Ingber, Eric Harrison, Skylar Star, Charlotte “Iceberg” Herzenberg, I AM SNOW ANGEL, mintsauce, Ian Holmes, Kristy Bissel, & Nicole Ridgwell of Cast Iron Shoes
Visual Artists and Creative Support
Albert Suarez @suarezcreative, J.B. Lawrence @j.b.lawrence, Alissa Wyle @holysmokephotography, & Nicola Gell @nicolagellphotography who photographed the album cover